Theresa Badurek, Urban Horticulture Agent, Pinellas County Extension
What is it?
Citrus black spot, Guignardia citricarpa, is a fungal pathogen that affects only citrus plants. This disease creates lesions on the fruit peel that affects both the yield and the appearance of the fruit. The greatest risk for the spread of this disease is that spores are released in the late spring and summer from decaying leaves beneath the trees.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Monday, April 19, 2010
Oak Leafroller and Leaftiers Caterpillars
Extension Specialist, Cindy Peacock
Every spring we experience that little green caterpillar hanging from our oak trees. They fall in our hair and clothing and if you’re eating lunch outside underneath an oak tree, they may even fall on your sandwich.
Every spring we experience that little green caterpillar hanging from our oak trees. They fall in our hair and clothing and if you’re eating lunch outside underneath an oak tree, they may even fall on your sandwich.
The Eastern Lubber Grasshopper
Here’s another spring visitor we see year after year: the eastern lubber grasshopper (Romalea microptera). You may have seen the nymphs, or immature grasshoppers, crowding on a shrub in your landscape. They are usually black with yellow or red stripes and have no wings. Adult lubbers can be up to 3 inches long and yellow with various black markings. Adults have wings, but cannot fly. They can jump short distances, however, and may even make a hissing sound when distressed. While the lubber may cause some cosmetic damage to some ornamentals, it is not usually necessary to treat with chemical control. The good old “stomp and squish” method will come in handy here. You should have increased success by destroying or removing them before they become adults, thus preventing them from laying eggs.
For more information please click on the blog title!
Monday, April 12, 2010
“Bee” on the lookout…
Spring marks the busy season for bees in our landscape, and while they provide an important ecological service, we must be cautious. If you find a bee colony it is best to keep your distance and contact a certified Pest Control Operator (PCO). Though bee swarms are usually docile, during comb building the bees can be defensive. In addition, there is an expanding presence of African honey bees in Florida, which are far more aggressive. It is not possible to visually distinguish the African honey bee from the more docile European honey bee. Please be aware of your surroundings when outside and always watch for flying stinging insects. The following website has more information on African honey bees, including what to do if you are attacked and a list of certified Pest Control Operators in Florida: