Fall is a spectacular time in Florida for wildflowers! There is a lot of color in our landscape this time of year. One of the wildflowers in bloom right now is Flat-top goldenrod, Euthamia caroliniana. This plant is a native and is also a nectar plant for Monarch butterflies in south Florida. Flat-top goldenrod is not a true goldenrod species, although it was once classified in the same genus as true goldenrod (Solidago).
Flat-top goldenrod typically grows up to 3 feet tall and spreads by seed and also by rhizomes. It is a perennial with narrow leaves which are alternately arranged. The name flat-top comes from the flat-topped appearance of the inflorescence, or cluster, of bright yellow flowers. It flowers from September through November, so get out there and enjoy it now!
Thanks Theresa, there was a host of the Slender Flattop Goldenrod, Euthamia Caroliniana, last Oct. in an open field now just knowing this species, and what I think is the Late flowering Thoroughwort, Eupatorium serotinum nearby in semishade making the bees crazy. Boca Raton, Fl. Eager-to-learn Master Gardener, Pat.